Calcium carbonate (CaCO3) comprises more than 4% of the earth’s crust and is found worldwide. Its most common natural forms are chalk, limestone, and marble (produced by the sedimentation of small fossilized shellfish, snails, and coral over millions of years). Chalk occurs as a microcrystalline material and has been used to draw and write for over ten thousand years. Limestone is more compact and durable than chalk (limestone blocks were used to construct the ancient Egyptian pyramids!). One of limestone’s other iterations was used since ancient times as a building material and was a key component for the Roman aqueducts. A metamorphic rock made up of coarse crystalline particles, marble has been used in construction, building, and art throughout history. The ancient Greeks used it for friezes, relief sculptures, and freestanding statues, and those later created by Michelangelo during the Renaissance.
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